“dizzying mix of airlock futurism, dubtech moodiness and hi-res digi-industrial grind. Abstract and brilliant, for fans of Pole, Ryoji Ikeda, Emptyset or Oval.” -Boomkat
“...very much in the spirit of Alva Noto, Pan Sonic, and the darker side of Autechre...” -Headphone Commute
“...there’s a unique delicacy and poise to his compositions. More like digital scrims made up of fluctuating groupings of microscopic events...” - The WIRE Magazine
“The New York City-based artist—who divides his time between there and Berlin—is an elusive character, though one who is well respected and much appreciated by those familiar with his work.”-XLR8R Magazine
“Brutal hooks and harmonies emerge through a close study of the science of sound as hypnotic poly-rhythms weave through shaped frequencies” -Decoded Magazine
“Kamran Sadeghi has been rising fast in recent years delivering a deep and gripping sound profile. Now with his latest material he's further exploring cosmic, bouncing melodies and textures” -Mixmag
“...immaculately engineered sonic sophistication.” - Furthurnoise
“...Sadeghi’s use of the slow-swelling properties of the E-bow filtering through subterranean museums of opaque, glassy dreamscapes like a less oppressive virsion of Halo Manash’s Isolationist Ambience. Disarming Stuff.” - The WIRE Magazine